Saturday, March 7, 2009


Great news from school! Teachers are piling on the homework, but we know how much your business means to us so we thought you would like to know that Krafty is having a humongous sale for Quickutz! We know that the economy sucks right now, but of course you want to keep up with your craft projects at a reasonable price, so COME ONE, COME ALL! All 4x4 QUICKUTZ DIES ARE 40-50% OFF!! That's right! Below are just a few examples of what we have in stock, but don't let that deter you from checking out the site because we have many, many more! Keep in mind that if you are looking for the 2x2 dies, we will be putting those up as well and they will be on sale in a short while! This sale will be for a short time only, so please, go on quickly before they run out!

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